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Raul: Defense Counsel

Raul is a character in Season Two of the Showtime series DEXTER.

He advises Little Chino when he’s interrogated for the murder of Eva Arenas.


Eva Arenas is found murdered by machete after she gives Little Chino’s name to the police, and it’s presumed that he killed her.

To the surprise of the homicide department, especially Dexter, Chino freely walks into the police station accompanied by his lawyer. The lawyer announces, “People tell me you’re looking for my client.” Lt. Esmée Pascal, emerging from her office, replies, “People tell you right.“

Maria LaGuerta and Angel Batista are present when Little Chino and his lawyer calmly sit down in the interrogation room. Dexter avoids being seen by Chino, and watches the interrogation via video camera. When LaGuerta asks Chino about the stitched up cut across his cheek (inflicted by Dexter), Chino jokes that he cut himself shaving.

The lawyer accuses the department of repeatedly harassing his client and threatens to file a suit. LaGuerta tells him to cut the shit, addressing him as Raul. When Batista accuses Little Chino of killing Eva, the lawyer says they can’t prove it. Batista retorts, “Can’t prove yet!” When the lawyer refers to Batista as an officer, Batista corrects him, stating that he’s a detective.

Little Chino instructs his lawyer to give Batista and LaGuerta a disc and he slides a DVD across the table. They watch the footage outside the interrogation room and realize that Chino couldn’t have personally killed Eva. It’s timestamped for 03/02/07 at 14:46:08 PM, and Chino is shown holding a day old Miami Tribune newspaper. (It’s when Eva was murdered.) It’s evident that Chino set up an alibi and had someone else do the deed. Pascal orders the team to cut Chino loose, which delights Dexter as it gives him another chance to kill him.

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